Friday 22 May 2009

The Only Way To Use Keywords In Your Article

To enhance your status in the search engines you have to write articles that give specific information. This will make people see you as a recognised expert in your field. Also because if this status quo it will make your prospects want to seek you out more often because they will grow to trust you and people buy from those that they trust.

Article marketing for example makes you make that connection with someone that has been, or is searching for you. Your work needs to be clear and meaningful so that the reader can believe that it is a truthful article with valuable information. Once you have satisfied them with the information in your article you will be in a better position to ask them to click on the link in your resourse box and head over to your website to purchase your goods and servises.

As i have just explained the best way to get traffic is through your resource box. This way the search engines will make your article more accessable to people. You can show your knowledge potential by providing the content your prospects are searching for. This comes about when you use keywords in your article. By using keywords that people are searching for you will be able to make these searchers find your site.

Use keywords that are relevant to your niche. You want to be the expert that people come to first when they type in these relevant keywords so before hand you need to research possible keyword phrases you think that searchers might search for. You can make your task easy by using keyword research tools. For example if you are selling a product related to dog food you might save the keyword phrase "chunky meat for greyhounds". This type of keyword is not broad and it is long tailed with relevancy. So if a surfer types this exact keyword phrase into google you have a much better chance of your website being ranked highly for this keyword.

If the surfer sees your website and visits your website providing you have a converting landing page, i see now reason why the surfer will not turn into a buyer. It is real simple guys. All you have to do as an internet marketer to attract traffic is bid on keywords your target niche is most likely to type into google and if you can do that and also use keywords in your article you will have a winning campaign. Dont forget guys that traffic+converting landing page=sales.

Blueprint Of How To Make Money From Article Marketing

The online marketing business model is growing with leaps and bounds. More and more people are coming online and trying their hand at making money from the comfort of their homes. Gone are the days whereby people are scared to try one program or the other due to fear of getting scammed.

The only problem is that most of the so called gurus make things complicated. To be honest there are only five ways to make money online. The first one is to make money from article marketing. The second one is to make money from affiliate products i.e both info products and physical goods of other people. The third one is selling a product explaining how to do the other two i have just mentioned. The fourth is by pay per click marketing. Oh i forgot, there is one more, that is selling software programs that make the other three easier.

Today i would like to talk about my own speciality and that is how to make money from article marketing. First of all what is an article. An article is a piece of content that is written in order to educate or inform the reader. It could be to help solve a problem or review certain trends or products. A typical article is usually 400-750 words in length. Now what an article marketer does is write a few articles a day an submits them to various article directories.

For me, this is what i did when i first started, but money did not start coming in immediately because i was doing it wrong. You have to be able to do quality keyword research where you can bridge the gap between keyword phrase and buyer. What i mean by this is that you have to amass the very keywords that people who are at the end of the "purchase cycle" i.e prospects who go onto google with credit card by there side and type in certain keywords which they believe will lead them to the product or service that will solve their problem. So they are in buying mode.

Now if you can research and gather those types of long tail keywords and write articles around those type of keywords then there is no way that, if they type in such keyword phrases that your article wont come up on the first page of google search. If it is relevant enough i.e your article. They will click your link in your resourse box and go to your site and buy your products and services if they are relevant. It is a no brainer. This is how to make money from article marketing. I make $100+ a day from this type of online business alone.

Thursday 21 May 2009

How Do I Find Out Which Keywords Sell

The is a big hype about keywords. You hear about this keyword and that keyword. That this keyword is the top dog. Which keywords sell? The most important thing to know as an information or online marketer is which keywords bring about the best conversion of surfers to buyers.

The term keyword was coined by online marketers as a word that surfers type into google when they are searching for information in order to solve a problem or find a solution. For instance you go to google and type in the keyword phrase cheap "air travel".To an internet marketer that is termed a keyword. The whole idea of internet marketing is to find relevant keywords that people are searching for to make a ton of money.

The main reason why most people fail at internet marketing is that they dont know how to select keywords that align buyers with a product. Advertisers often promote to customers that are not ready to buy or are in the preliminary stages of the purchase cycle.

To get good at this skill you have to decide which industry you are going to promote and tnen do some research on keywords relevant to your campaign. If you dont spend quality time on your keyword research you will be like thousands of people who have tried internet marketing and failed miserably.

You may or may not have heard of the long tail keyword. Using these types of keywords can greatly benefit a marketer. Let us take the dog training niche as an example. A typical keyword for this niche would be "dog training". Although this is a keyword it is not a targeted or specific keyword that would benefit a marketer in making a ton of money. There are many types of dog training i.e videos, books, live tutorials etc. The keyword is too broad and not considered a long tail keyword.. A better example of a long tail keyword would be "pug chewing problem guide". This is a long tail keyword that is very relevant.

Long tail keywords have many benefits. they are great for article marketing and have very little competition and convert very well. It is better to take quality over quantity. You will be more profitable with long tail keywords than broad keywords.

If you optimize your website to target long tail keywords you will be more profitable in your marketing efforts and rank higher in your search engine results. So to know which keywords sell, long tail keywords.

Dont Spend Another Dime Till You've Read The New Search Engine Secrets Exposed Review

Did you know that more people lose money when they pay for traffic than ever. Why because most of the keywords are competitive to start with and the prospects are not targeted. Stop wasting time and money on useless and expensive ways to get traffic. You should get traffic using methods from The New Search Engine Secrets Exposed Program.

With this program you can learn how to get flood gates of traffic without paying for advertising. If you are like me then you are looking for better ways to get traffic. I bet you are spending a fortune in pay per click to buy tarffic? I am sick and tired of tricks that never seem to work. Well if your are anything like me then you want free traffic don't you? And you want unlimited traffic don't you. I know i do.

I have been making a living online for about 7 years and have been making a nice living at that. I have never paid a dime for advertising. Don't need to. Why pay for advertising when i can get it free of charge. I have easily had $800 pay days using the New Search Engine Secrets Exposed Program.

I am not here to tell you about rehashed information. This program is not fluff but the real deal. If you want to make loads of money online without paying a dime in advertising you will have to listen to a guy who has tried and profited from using the program. I am so glad i came across it.

If you don't already know, let me tell you one honest truth. If you want to get good solid traffic for free you have to get good top search engine rankings. Having used the program i am reviewing right now i know that having good search rankings is the key to free traffic on autopilot. It is as simple as that.

Think about this my friend, 80% of most websites out there are not ranked high enough to get get under the radar of free traffic. The kind of traffic that would not stop knocking on your door even if you put up a sign that said "No Traffic Allowed".

Look at it this way. If you are not ranked on the first two pages of google for your keywords you can forget it. Turn off the lights and head for the showers! If you want to get to the top of the search rankings you need to follow the program i have been talking about all day.

In this program i learn't:

1) Why getting a good ranking in google is more important than ever.

2) Where and how to get profitable keywords using a free tool.

3) Why i must use article marketing and how to use it properly.

4) How google actually ranks my site.

5) How to find the best sites to link to using a term called "link juice". Find these sites using a free tool.

6) A hidden tactic i can use to dominate the search engines.

I give this program nine out of ten. It has been so helpful. I recommend it to anyone who is just starting out or is tired of spending hard earned cash on advertising that does not work.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Online Profits Should Begin With Affiliate Marketing

In the 19 th and 20th centuries we witnesses the industrial age. But as the 20th century drew to a close we began to witness a new age. The information age. In this article i will discuss why you should start your online marketing career and begin with affiliate marketing.

What is Online Marketing.

Online line marketing is self expanatory. It is the process of marketing your goods and services through the internet medium. The internet has made it possible to reach markets world wide.

Another name for online marketing is internet marketing. To be able to conduct internet marketing effectively you need a website and products to market to customers or prospects.

Internet marketing systems.

You as an internet marketer you need to set up systems to effectively market your products. As i said earlier you need a website and you need prospects as well.To get a website you will need to build one. Lets say you don't know HTML, that is computer code language. Then you will have to hire someone to build a website for you, a web designer. But web designers don't come cheap and if you are just starting out you may not have that kind of money.

The next alternative would be to buy software that you can install on your computer and it will allow you to point and click your way to a new website design. Once you have got your website designed, providing you have a domain name registered and a hosting platform. You can get these from reputable companies like Godaddy and 1 and 1.

The next thing to do is add content to your webpages so as to let google's spiders begin to crawl your site. Also this will help with search engine optimization so that in the long run you will get organic higher rankings.

Free Traffic Systems.

When your site has been launched you need to increase the traffic to your site in the fasted possible way for free. My best and probably the best method is Article Marketing. So when you begin with affiliate marketing don't forget to include Article Marketing.

What Is Article Marketing?

Simply put Article Marketing is the process of distributing your article to site owners, editors, publishers and newsletters across the web. You can do this manually by distributing your article to each article directory or you can use a submission service that will distribute your articles to the thousands of directories on the web for you at a price.

Once your articles have been distributed and they have come up in the search engine results because of the keywords placed within them that people have been looking for, those same people called target markets will read your articles and click on the links in the resource box at the end of the article and be taken to your website where they can then purchase your affiliate products and services.

As an affiliate you do not own the product so you only get a commission. But then you do not have to deal with refunds and customer service like product owners have to.

Dont Spend A Dime Till You Read Article Marketer Review

What is the best article distribution service in the world? Read this article first about the Article Marketer Review and then answer my question at the end. I recently got a telephone call from a fellow article marketer asking me about Article Marketer so i decided to put out this review.

When i first started using this service five years ago it was in it's infancy. I was still submitting articles manually to a few pr6 sites like Ezine Articles and Go Articles to name a few but it was time consuming. I would normally write three articles daily in different niches and then i would submit them one by one to all the top article directories. It was time consuming to say the least.

For those of you who are not familiar with article marketing, it is the process of distributing your article to site owners, editors, publishers and newsletters across the globe via the web. You can do this manually by going from one site to another or you can do it via a submission service or using a software. Some let you submit once a day while others let you submit unlimited articles anytime you want.

Back to the submission service on review. When you arive at the site you will be amazed by the proffessional layout. Simple but cool looking. There is a link on it that takes you to Article Marketing University where you can learn all you can on the art of article marketing 101. There is also a fantastic blog where you can read some of the best posts on article marketing the web has ever seen.

The submission guidelines are second to none. Every article you submit goes through what is called Diamond Assurance review so that you get the online exposure you want. A real live person reads your article before it is distributed onto the web. Even before the Diamond Assurance review it goes through a computer check which is instant to look for spelling mistakes or plaigerism.

There is no submission service that distributes wide and deep as this service. They send out your articles to 171,000 people and 3500 websites and ezines. That is hard to beat i must say. They also have one touch submissions that make it quick and easy. Just paste your article into the form and click a button and off it goes. Never have to worry again about formatting issues or bad html. Not even missing fields. You can stop trying to remember various categories at evey site. Just choose from their most comprehensive list and they will make sure your article is categorised at every directory including ezine articles.

With this article submission service you can submit unlimited articles all day long and there is nothing to install on your computer. So after reading article marketer review can you answer my question i asked you earlier?

Tuesday 19 May 2009

How To Begin Utilizing Keyword Tools

Today i would like to tell you a story about a guy called Jack.. This is a very aspiring story and one that should make you strong especially in trying times like now when the world economy is in recession. This story talks about utilizing keywood tools.

Jack was a man qualified in marketing. He had been working for years in an advertising and marketing company. But as the economic downturn bit harder he found himself without a job. All the years working for the company ended in vain as the company became bankurpt and closed down.

Jack like many others lost his job. But instead of committing suicide or wallowing in pity and depression like so many others. He took control of the situation and used his knowlegde of computers and marketing to start a new online business taking advantage of how the search engines worked and wrote as many articles as he could utilizing keyword tools.

All his friends and family thought, and even said it to his face that he would not make it. That he was wasting his time and that he should go and find a proper job. But Jack was determined not to follow their footsteps and give up on life.

Jack was a clever person and he was the type of person who would not venture where he knew there would be no profit. He was experienced in advertising and marketing plus he had been working as a web developer with his former company. He was sure that he had enough ammunition in the form of knowledge to withstand the times ahead.

Utilising keyword tools and article marketing, jack scaled his way to success. These are tools which got him to the top. He used the tools to find keyword phrases being searched by researchers. the tools made him find keywords and phrases that he should incorporate on his website. Coupled with the content he wrote in the form of articles made him rank at the top of the search engines.

This resulted in clicks to his site by thousands of visitors. A lot of people are not bothered with anything that is not top ten ranked in the search engines. Experienced in his field he was able to rank highly in the search engines by using keyword phrases people were looking for and optimizing these keywords in articles he submitted to article directories.

His friends and familiy were amazed at his new found success and could not understand how he could succeed in this recession while they could not. What they did not realise was that he was just making use of tools to make it happen for him online.

Truth About Online Affiliate Programs

Is there any truth about online affiliate programs making their participants $1000s per week? Most website owners are very familiar with online affiliate programs. This review is about these programs and how to make money from them.

You would not do a review of online affiliate programs if you did not think that it was just too good to be true. But the fact is you can make money if the website in question is popular. It is just simple logic.

So how do you go about it? Simple, you pick a program and sign up for free and be selling from your site within minutes. Everything is taken care of for you. The negative crowd will say that nobody makes money from these programs except the program owners themselves. This is especially more so when you read that only 10%-20% make any money.

Then out of this figure only a percentage go onto make $5000 a month or so. But i believe it is not the online program or the owners fault. Although some online affiliate programs pay out peanuts. This does put a cap on the affilate's income level.

What i believe is that most people do not know how to bring customers to a affiliate programs website in the first place. If you want to succeed in the affiliate marketing game you need traffic. Then you need to send that traffic to a converting landing page and you will make sales pure and simple.

Too succeed at online affiliate marketing you must build your own website. The so called GURUS do not tell you this. You need your own landing page. You also need your own squeeze and opt in page to be able to collect names and emails first be for you redirect them to the merchants landing page.

On your own website landing page you will need to endorse the benefits of the affiliate program then show them a link from your page to the affiliate program's page. So basically you need to make your landing page a review type of page listing the benefits of the product as compared to other similar products and why you recomend it. Then point your visitors in the right direction, i.e the affiliate program's page.

Now all this talk about landing pages will be in vain if you can't get people to your site in the first place. You need traffic. There are many ways to get traffic. There are free and paid. It does not make sense to use paid methods like pay per click when you have not made any sales. The best way to get traffic is by free methods using article marketing. In my opinion it is the best method because it is free and you are attracting targeted people who will read your articles and click your links in your resource box.

There are hundreds of other people trying to sell the same products as you. Don't to what they do and link them direct to the affiliate program. If you want to know the truth about online affiliate programs. They work if you are smart and endorse the products not sell the products. Let the merchant landing page do the selling.

Monday 18 May 2009

Finding Hot Kewords For Your articles

Before you begin your article writing you have to start finding hot keywords. Now this task has to be systematic. Once you have an idea of what type of audience you want to sell a product to. You need to connect with these people. Do to this need to research the keywords you can write articles on. Keywords are simple words or phrases people type into google search engine to look for a product or information to solve a problem.

For example when a surfer is looking for information on Wealthy Affiliate. They may type into google the phrase "wealthy affiliate testimonials" or "wealthy affiliate information". If you type these keywords into google you will see that they have low keyword competition and are good for using in articles.

It is advisable to target keywords that have lower than 5000 quoted results in the search engines. Geting natural listings in the search engines is possible with that figure. All you have to do is type a keyword phrase into google with quotes around the words and see how many results come up.

You can get some great keyword phrases and its variations by using a free google keyword tool.You can use this tool to dig for keywords that people have searched for in the past.

A huge list of related keywords will be returned. Go through the list looking for keywords that you could write an article on and help someone looking for Information on Wealthy Affiliate make a decision to join.

Here are some keywords taken from the keyword tool:

* join wealthy affiliate
* is wealthy affiliate a scam
* the wealthy affiliate
* the wealthy affiliates
* wealthy affiliate video
* wealthy affiliate program
* wealthy affiliate membership

Here are the keywords with their "quoted" results

* join wealthy affiliate - 4,430 results
* is wealthy affiliate a scam - 3.420 results
* the wealthy affiliate - 32,600 results
* the wealthy affiliates - 4,090 results
* wealthy affiliate video - 1,940 results
* wealthy affiliate program - 53,100 results
* wealthy affiliate membership - 4,840 results

Remember, any keyword below 5,000 results is a good candidate for an article to write about.

The Google keyword tool will also give you some great ideas for keywords to write on by using their website content generator. Choose "website Content" from the option list and enter the website that you wish to search.

In this example we are going to use wealthyaffiliate dot com

The tool will go out and crawl our website looking for keywords that they deem relevant to the content.

WealthyAffiliate dot com brought back a number of keywords grouped like this:

* way to make money - (10 keywords)
* how to make money - (5 keywords)
* make money on the - (5 keywords)
* make money online - (10 keywords)
* make money on - (4 keywords)
* money making idea - (5 keywords)
* to earn money - (5 keywords)
* make money - (28 keywords)
* wealthy affiliate - (29 keywords)
* money making - (18 keywords)
* earn money - (12 keywords)
* extra money - (8 keywords)
* affiliate program - (5 keywords)
* money - (19 keywords)
* affiliate - (8 keywords)

From this list alone you have some great ideas on finding hot keywords for your articles

Finding Starving Audiences With Article Marketing

Finding starving audiences with article marketing is not hard. In fact it is very simple once you get to know how everything works. When you can master this, making money online is as simple as abc.

Some successful marketers are reaping rewards cost free by simply writing articles and posting them to article directories. First of all as an article writer you have got to understand how the internet works and why people surf the net. The internet is an information highway and the surfer will go online to find some information or product that will help him solve a problem.

The surfer will go to a search engine like google and type in a certain keyword or keyword phrase into the search box. When this is done a list of searches based on his/her keywords will come up on the screen. The list comprises of websites and or pages containing these keywords in the title tags and body of the page or in some cases article.

Now this is where the smart article marketer comes in. The marketer depending on the niche he is involved in will choose keywords phrases he/she things are the most sought for. Research to find these keywords can be found with keyword research tools. Some are free while some are paid. What he/she does is input a keyword phrase into the tool bar and clicks a button. Lets say he inputs the phrase "article marketing software review" a list of possible variations of the phrase will surfice.

With the keyword phrase results the article marketer will write an article to start the process of finding starving audiences. This is possible because when he writes an article and optimizes it with keyword density and posts it to article directories the article will be distributed all over the web and appear in search engine results.

The surfer will probably type in a matching keyword and the article writer and marketer's article will show up at a high ranking for that phrase on the search engine. When the surfer reads the article and clicks the authors resource box it will take the surfer to the article writer's website where he/she will be able to read more related stuff and probable buy a product or service..

Article marketing is the best at finding starving audiences because it is targeted and does not cost a penny only a little bit of time.

How To Master How Article Marketing Works

To know how article marketing works you have to know what it is all about and what it entails. The art of writing articles is just one part of it. To begin with an article is a 400-750 word piece of content witten by a person that is called an author.

This person writes about what he is knowledgeable about. He could write about any topic that people would be interested in. He could write an article on "How To Train Your Dog To Clean The Yard". This type of article will interest a certain type of people in a niche. A niche is a market of people that are hungry for example, dog training related information or products.

An author has to sign up and open an account with an article directory. There are hundreds if not thousands of article directories across the web. Examples of top directories are Ezine Articles and Article Marketer just to name a few. Ezine Articles gets the most traffic while Article Marketer distributes articles to the widest and deepest distribution of article directories and ezine publishers on the net.

The reason why an author publishes an article is so that he can get one way back links to his website. Now his article is not a sales letter. He writes informative articles on the topic of his choice. But at the end of the article is a resource box where he/she puts a link to his/her website. If the reader likes his/her article and finds it informative then he/she might be compelled to click on the authors link and visit his/her website for more information or even to purchase a product or service.

How article marketing works is that when the article is submitted to all the article directories the resource box is in view of thousands of people in various article directories and also ezine publishers who publish newsletters to their list of thousands of subcribers.

This makes or gets the links in the resource box the chance to be clicked more times. So article marketing is a fast and proven way to attract new buyers and it does not cost a dime. You just write an article and submit it to the article directories, content publishers, e-groups and forums around the world wide web. You don't have to worry about spam filters because your customers come to you.

You don't have to pay per click with adsense or adwords and you instanly build trust in the heart and mind of your target audience.

Article marketing is better than blogging or pay per click, if you create a blog you still have to entice people to come to it. Article marketing allows you to post content (along with a link back to your site) on other people's sites, piggybacking on their marketing efforts. So they attract vistors why you gain sales by their efforts.