Tuesday 19 May 2009

How To Begin Utilizing Keyword Tools

Today i would like to tell you a story about a guy called Jack.. This is a very aspiring story and one that should make you strong especially in trying times like now when the world economy is in recession. This story talks about utilizing keywood tools.

Jack was a man qualified in marketing. He had been working for years in an advertising and marketing company. But as the economic downturn bit harder he found himself without a job. All the years working for the company ended in vain as the company became bankurpt and closed down.

Jack like many others lost his job. But instead of committing suicide or wallowing in pity and depression like so many others. He took control of the situation and used his knowlegde of computers and marketing to start a new online business taking advantage of how the search engines worked and wrote as many articles as he could utilizing keyword tools.

All his friends and family thought, and even said it to his face that he would not make it. That he was wasting his time and that he should go and find a proper job. But Jack was determined not to follow their footsteps and give up on life.

Jack was a clever person and he was the type of person who would not venture where he knew there would be no profit. He was experienced in advertising and marketing plus he had been working as a web developer with his former company. He was sure that he had enough ammunition in the form of knowledge to withstand the times ahead.

Utilising keyword tools and article marketing, jack scaled his way to success. These are tools which got him to the top. He used the tools to find keyword phrases being searched by researchers. the tools made him find keywords and phrases that he should incorporate on his website. Coupled with the content he wrote in the form of articles made him rank at the top of the search engines.

This resulted in clicks to his site by thousands of visitors. A lot of people are not bothered with anything that is not top ten ranked in the search engines. Experienced in his field he was able to rank highly in the search engines by using keyword phrases people were looking for and optimizing these keywords in articles he submitted to article directories.

His friends and familiy were amazed at his new found success and could not understand how he could succeed in this recession while they could not. What they did not realise was that he was just making use of tools to make it happen for him online.

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