Monday 18 May 2009

Finding Starving Audiences With Article Marketing

Finding starving audiences with article marketing is not hard. In fact it is very simple once you get to know how everything works. When you can master this, making money online is as simple as abc.

Some successful marketers are reaping rewards cost free by simply writing articles and posting them to article directories. First of all as an article writer you have got to understand how the internet works and why people surf the net. The internet is an information highway and the surfer will go online to find some information or product that will help him solve a problem.

The surfer will go to a search engine like google and type in a certain keyword or keyword phrase into the search box. When this is done a list of searches based on his/her keywords will come up on the screen. The list comprises of websites and or pages containing these keywords in the title tags and body of the page or in some cases article.

Now this is where the smart article marketer comes in. The marketer depending on the niche he is involved in will choose keywords phrases he/she things are the most sought for. Research to find these keywords can be found with keyword research tools. Some are free while some are paid. What he/she does is input a keyword phrase into the tool bar and clicks a button. Lets say he inputs the phrase "article marketing software review" a list of possible variations of the phrase will surfice.

With the keyword phrase results the article marketer will write an article to start the process of finding starving audiences. This is possible because when he writes an article and optimizes it with keyword density and posts it to article directories the article will be distributed all over the web and appear in search engine results.

The surfer will probably type in a matching keyword and the article writer and marketer's article will show up at a high ranking for that phrase on the search engine. When the surfer reads the article and clicks the authors resource box it will take the surfer to the article writer's website where he/she will be able to read more related stuff and probable buy a product or service..

Article marketing is the best at finding starving audiences because it is targeted and does not cost a penny only a little bit of time.

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