Friday 22 May 2009

The Only Way To Use Keywords In Your Article

To enhance your status in the search engines you have to write articles that give specific information. This will make people see you as a recognised expert in your field. Also because if this status quo it will make your prospects want to seek you out more often because they will grow to trust you and people buy from those that they trust.

Article marketing for example makes you make that connection with someone that has been, or is searching for you. Your work needs to be clear and meaningful so that the reader can believe that it is a truthful article with valuable information. Once you have satisfied them with the information in your article you will be in a better position to ask them to click on the link in your resourse box and head over to your website to purchase your goods and servises.

As i have just explained the best way to get traffic is through your resource box. This way the search engines will make your article more accessable to people. You can show your knowledge potential by providing the content your prospects are searching for. This comes about when you use keywords in your article. By using keywords that people are searching for you will be able to make these searchers find your site.

Use keywords that are relevant to your niche. You want to be the expert that people come to first when they type in these relevant keywords so before hand you need to research possible keyword phrases you think that searchers might search for. You can make your task easy by using keyword research tools. For example if you are selling a product related to dog food you might save the keyword phrase "chunky meat for greyhounds". This type of keyword is not broad and it is long tailed with relevancy. So if a surfer types this exact keyword phrase into google you have a much better chance of your website being ranked highly for this keyword.

If the surfer sees your website and visits your website providing you have a converting landing page, i see now reason why the surfer will not turn into a buyer. It is real simple guys. All you have to do as an internet marketer to attract traffic is bid on keywords your target niche is most likely to type into google and if you can do that and also use keywords in your article you will have a winning campaign. Dont forget guys that traffic+converting landing page=sales.

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