Monday 18 May 2009

Finding Hot Kewords For Your articles

Before you begin your article writing you have to start finding hot keywords. Now this task has to be systematic. Once you have an idea of what type of audience you want to sell a product to. You need to connect with these people. Do to this need to research the keywords you can write articles on. Keywords are simple words or phrases people type into google search engine to look for a product or information to solve a problem.

For example when a surfer is looking for information on Wealthy Affiliate. They may type into google the phrase "wealthy affiliate testimonials" or "wealthy affiliate information". If you type these keywords into google you will see that they have low keyword competition and are good for using in articles.

It is advisable to target keywords that have lower than 5000 quoted results in the search engines. Geting natural listings in the search engines is possible with that figure. All you have to do is type a keyword phrase into google with quotes around the words and see how many results come up.

You can get some great keyword phrases and its variations by using a free google keyword tool.You can use this tool to dig for keywords that people have searched for in the past.

A huge list of related keywords will be returned. Go through the list looking for keywords that you could write an article on and help someone looking for Information on Wealthy Affiliate make a decision to join.

Here are some keywords taken from the keyword tool:

* join wealthy affiliate
* is wealthy affiliate a scam
* the wealthy affiliate
* the wealthy affiliates
* wealthy affiliate video
* wealthy affiliate program
* wealthy affiliate membership

Here are the keywords with their "quoted" results

* join wealthy affiliate - 4,430 results
* is wealthy affiliate a scam - 3.420 results
* the wealthy affiliate - 32,600 results
* the wealthy affiliates - 4,090 results
* wealthy affiliate video - 1,940 results
* wealthy affiliate program - 53,100 results
* wealthy affiliate membership - 4,840 results

Remember, any keyword below 5,000 results is a good candidate for an article to write about.

The Google keyword tool will also give you some great ideas for keywords to write on by using their website content generator. Choose "website Content" from the option list and enter the website that you wish to search.

In this example we are going to use wealthyaffiliate dot com

The tool will go out and crawl our website looking for keywords that they deem relevant to the content.

WealthyAffiliate dot com brought back a number of keywords grouped like this:

* way to make money - (10 keywords)
* how to make money - (5 keywords)
* make money on the - (5 keywords)
* make money online - (10 keywords)
* make money on - (4 keywords)
* money making idea - (5 keywords)
* to earn money - (5 keywords)
* make money - (28 keywords)
* wealthy affiliate - (29 keywords)
* money making - (18 keywords)
* earn money - (12 keywords)
* extra money - (8 keywords)
* affiliate program - (5 keywords)
* money - (19 keywords)
* affiliate - (8 keywords)

From this list alone you have some great ideas on finding hot keywords for your articles

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